About PoLEPFor

Police & Law Enforcement Professionals Fellowship Of Rotarians (PoLEPFoR) is an international Rotary Action Group for Police & Law Enforcement Professionals and supporters.

The PoLEPFoR was inaugurated by Rotary International in October 1994.

The Founding Executive Committee of PoLEPFoR consisted of Sergeant Geoffrey Little, Rotary Club of (then) Wollstonecraft, Sydney, Australia, Sheriff Mike Milas, Rotary Club of Port Washington, Wisconsin, USA, and Sergeant Robert Schottlander, Rotary Club of Fonthill, Ontario, Canada.

PLEASE NOTE:  Interested in becoming a member of PoLEPFoR? Please submit a membership application using the online form available here. To be a member of PoLEPFoR, an email address is essential.

News Update: The PoLEPFoR Team has recently discovered the value of being associated with Rotary International’s new Facebook website, Linkedin and Twitter. Whatever we may think about these more ‘personal’ sites, you will find (as your Chairman has found) that the networking opportunities just amongst Police and Law Enforcement are phenomenal, not to mention a whole new constituency who are either Probus Members, Rotarians, Rotaractors and/or ‘friends’ of Rotary which includes the ‘sons and daughters’ of Rotarians who only now, are finding out about the value of Rotary.

What started off ten years ago with one guy out there endeavoring to keep in touch with his classmates has now become a new International Forum for us all. Check out the PoLEPFoR Group on Social Media and start to explore a whole new world out there.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin.

© 2007 – 2022 Police & Law Enforcement Professionals Fellowship of Rotarians (PoLEPFoR)