Down Under

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Past President Geoffrey Little, “The Smiling Policeman” at his home Club in Australia. The Rotary Club of North Sydney Sunrise D9680 is a Breakfast Club and meets on the premises of the oldest open boat sailing club in Australia, Sydney Flying Squadron (between Milson’s Park and the renowned Ensemble Theatre) on beautiful Sydney Harbour in the suburb of Kirribilli, Sydney.
georgegranny.jpg (41287 bytes) Past President George `Granny’s Column’ Richards is a long-time Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald’s ‘Column Eight’.    Past President of the Rotary Club of Wahroonga (on Sydney’s North Shore), Past President George was a recent Guest Speaker at the Rotary Club of Wollstonecraft’s breakfast meeting on the day Geoffrey Little alias “The Smiling Policeman ” wore his new uniform in celebration of recently receiving his cap badge and breast shield of  Honorary Deputy Chief.


The Smiling Policeman was appointed during his attendance at the Indianapolis Convention in June 1998 (See International Newsletter)

The Smiling Policeman Geoffrey Little (resplendent in the uniform of Honorary Deputy Chief of the Indianapolis Police Department), seen here with Guest Speaker George Richards, Club Service Director Rotarian Peter Cassell, and Club President Harry Ivimey.


National News

Smiling Sergeant Saved From Tip – read the article in the Sydney Morning Herald on January 21, 1999.

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