Police Links

International Police

  1. Police Service of Northern Ireland – https://www.psni.police.uk/
  2. London Metropolitan Police – https://www.met.police.uk/
  3. City of London Police – https://www.cityoflondon.police.uk/
  4. Scotland Police – https://www.scotland.police.uk/
  5. Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) – https://www.indy.gov/agency/indianapolis-metropolitan-police-department
  6. Interpol – https://www.interpol.int/
  7. Royal Canadian Mounted Police – http://rcmp-grc.gc.ca/
  8. Department of Peace Operations, United Nations – https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/department-of-peace-operations
  9. Pattaya Foreign Police Volunteers – https://www.fpvpattaya.com/
  10. Regina Police Service, Canada – https://reginapolice.ca/

Police Associations

  1. International Police Association – https://www.ipa-international.org/
  2. Police Association of NSW – https://www.pansw.org.au/
  3. National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) – https://www.napo.org/
  4. International Union of Police Associationshttps://iupa.org/
  5. International Association of Chiefs of Police – https://www.theiacp.org/
  6. New Zealand Police Association – https://www.policeassn.org.nz/
  7. Police Association of Ontario – https://pao.ca/
  8. National Sheriffs Association – https://www.sheriffs.org/
  9. Reserve Officers Association – https://www.roa.org/
  10. United Nations and Overseas Policing Association of Australia (UNOPAA) – http://www.unopaa.org/

Relevant Links and Sites

  1. Real Justice – https://realjusticepac.org/
  2. Police Magazine – https://www.policemag.com/
  3. Police Chief Magazine – http://www.policechiefmagazine.org/
  4. Cop in the Hood – http://copinthehood.com/
  5. Police K9 Magazine – https://www.policek9magazine.com/
  6. Law Enforcement Today – https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/
  7. Improving Police – https://improvingpolice.blog/
  8. Policing Matters – https://www.policeone.com/columnists/Policing-Matters/
  9. Blue Lives Radio – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/blue-lives-radio/id1099295852
  10. Cops Alive – http://www.copsalive.com/

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